Chairman profile

Chairman Profile

We have the honour and privilege of introducing our Chairman of the Board Professor Saleem Haj-Yahia.

Professor Haj-Yahia
BSc, MD, FRCS (ad eundem England), FRCS (Glasgow)
Our vision is to bring the modern medical devices industry closer to advanced healthcare teams in the Middle East and emerging markets hassle-free, with the most cost-effective, sustainable, and reliable business strategies.
We are all challenged in the business world. We all want to be part of a team that leaves a legacy and is remembered for years for what we have accomplished. At MIAT, I am proud to be the Chairman of an excellent team that strives on reaching such success and greatness.
Our philosophy is a commitment to bringing the best of what a modern medical devices industry can deliver to the healthcare system and improving patient care – that is a durable and sustainable business.”

Professor Haj-Yahia is not just an internationally distinguished heart surgeon, he is also CEO and Dean Emeritus of An-Najah National University Hospital. He is a Professor (Honorary Chair) at the University of Bristol, in England, and a Professor (Visiting Chair) at the University of Glasgow, in Scotland.
He is the former director of transplant surgery in Glasgow and led the team who performed the first artificial heart/LVAD in Scotland. Professor Haj-Yahia has particular talent and expertise in complex heart failure surgery, heart and lung transplants, mechanical circulatory support and artificial heart surgery and is a pioneer in the application of biotechnological and medical device innovations into clinical practice.
With extensive experience in setting up advanced academic medical institutions and modern university teaching hospitals under the most challenging circumstances and environments, Professor Haj-Yahia has gained the respect and admiration of many health care and hospital leaders and doctors. He is particularly praised for his guidance and assistance in setting up advanced heart failure programmes worldwide and cross the Middle East in particular.
The visionary Professor brings to the MIAT a wealth of international connections in the healthcare system, medical devices and biotechnology industry, as well as management and leadership experience and, above all, a proven record of credibility and reliability.

Reliability – Our Most Important Asset

In the challenging world of business, particularly in the emerging markets and the Middle East, trust and reliability are key and vital to success.

Deep knowledge of Large Regional Territories

We aspire to provide the best service to our territories and multiple countries hassle-free, reducing the cost of handling multiple agents in multiple countries.

Create Value

We seek to maximise the medical devices corporate’s values and profits while also working to meet the expectations of good value for money and a healthcare system’s financial constraints and cost-effectiveness needs.

Social Accountability and Commitment to Communities

With our strong code of ethics, we contribute to the welfare of communities and build a most trusted company. Our success would not be possible without our world-leading partners from the medical devices industry and leaders from the healthcare systems.

Commitment to Quality

We pursue the highest quality for industry products, services and operations to attain the highest levels of customer satisfaction, medical and social value. Our main interest is in new and emerging niche technologies and innovations from the medical devices industry with a proven record of reliability.